Monday, February 10, 2014

The jobs we have

Today we discussed what jobs people have, and the roles in a household

We read a story about George Washington as a child (from the Oak Meadow 1st Grade curriculum) and discussed it, and drew pictures of the members of our households and their jobs.

It was a great conversation! We discussed (and debated) questions such as:

  • what it means to be responsible for something
  • what is fair to ask others to do and what's not
  • when someone is being a good or bad leader
  • how to motivate others to accomplish things as a team – we all agreed the best way to do that is by example!

It was fascinating to hear what the children see as their jobs, and the jobs of the other grown-ups in the household; and even the pets! Some examples:

  • Mother "works at the office to make money so everybody can buy things"
  • Father's job is to "be a dad and be a teacher"
  • A boy said his job was "to play drums, do my workbook, and listen to my dad"
  • A girl said her primary job was "to decide whether to play with [her brother] or [her sister]"
  • A girl said her job was "to steal butter all day long"
  • Mom's job is to "have conferences so she can talk and say her work"
  • A toddler brother's job is "to eat and eat and eat"
  • The dog's job is "to keep company to R [the assistant]"
  • Girl: "my job is to listen to mama and play, play and play"
  • According to a girl, her father's job is to "play TV to get more money for me"

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